As a marketer or online seller, you undoubtedly wish to keep track of everything happening in the world of search engine optimization. Google algorithm updates are unpredictable, and so is the searcher intent. Plus, the pandemic has resulted in rapid changes. We, as a professional SEO company, wish to discuss the following online business trends that you should know. 

Core Web Vitals are here to stay 

Core Web Vitals have attracted every developer’s attention these days. The Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and First Input Delay (FID) are CWV page experience signals. 

LCP focuses on page loading performance, while the FID metric highlights the time taken by website elements to respond to the visitor’s actions. The Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) factor is about the on-page experience. 

Ideally, a CLS score of 0.1 or less, an FID score of 100 ms or below, and an LCP of lower than 2.5 seconds can do the trick. There are some basic-level steps that developers can take to keep these factors under control. 

Prioritize great mobile experience

Did you know? Google analyzes the mobile version of the website for indexing and ranking purposes. Thus, focusing on mobile experience is not an option but a necessity. 

It’s not a bad deal because more than 60 percent of online searches happen using mobile devices.

Do users visiting your mobile site need to zoom into various parts of the page while reading? If so, you need to redesign the whole thing. Avoid retrofitting big-screen themes; design the site with a mobile-first approach. 

Security issues hamper the site status 

Would you prefer visiting a website that can put your computer or phone at risk? Nope. That’s what Google wants other users to do. 

The rise in worldwide data breach cases is alarmingly high. These incidents have a significant impact on people and organizations. Users prefer better handling of their data on websites. 

Google has a mechanism that blacklists insecure websites. Chrome already marks non-secure pages and warns users visiting the same.  

Ensure your business site has a valid SSL certificate. Use website malware and security scanning tools for detecting issues. Resolve all the security errors as soon as they get noticed.  

Conducting site audits every quarter also remains crucial. Let a professional SEO services firm handle the same.

HTTPS for gaining good experience status

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure protocol is also a ranking signal. It is significant for websites that handle sensitive communications.

HTTPS ensures users interact with the correct server. Google has already declared that HTTPS helps in improving rankings. 

Bad user experience due to intrusive interstitials

Are you confused about the meaning of Intrusive interstitials? Wait, don’t open Google search; intrusive interstitials are popup ads that open and cover most page areas, leading to a bad user experience. 

Except for legally required popups, such as those for age verification, unnecessary popup notifications result in frustration for website visitors. 

Unfortunately, websites continue using them despite visitors reporting bad experiences. 

You might wonder why businesses keep those annoying things in place. Well, perhaps, due to the conversion rate. A study recently pointed out that high-performing popup ads result in 9.28 percent conversion. 

But remember, bad signals and low rankings in search results can be much more damaging than small benefits. 

Wish to check the score for various elements?  No worries, Google Search Console offers a dedicated page experience report for site owners. 

Link spam update: A step towards penalizing spammy link building techniques 

Link building helps in bringing traffic and establishing domain authority. Unfortunately, some digital marketers indulge in manipulation. 

Google’s Link Spam update, presumably released in August this year, happens to be the first step to put an end to low-quality link building. 

It’s too early to highlight the positive or negative impact of this update. However, it’s always better to follow the best link-building practices. Don’t pay for backlinks, and say NO to spammy link-building tricks.

The struggle to feature in featured snippets

Also referred to as position 0 content, featured snippets are answers for user queries. Snippets can be in the form of videos, lists, tables, or short paragraphs. 

They appear on page 1, above organic search results. Thus, they can help websites to expand their reach and draw a massive volume of traffic. 

There is no simple formula to get website content featured in the section. However, the following tips can work in your website’s favor: 

Use keyword research techniques and make a list of questions that your audiences ask 

Write few parts of the content in question and answer format 

Create content that answers specific questions 

Ensure the content is of a high-quality 

Fall in love with “Alexa” 

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the global smart speakers market touched the 150 million units sales mark last year. 

The demand for such devices is increasing even further. By 2024, the segment can cross the $30 billion mark. 

The percentage of voice search queries performed for finding local businesses is enormous. Studies suggest that around 46 percent of consumers use voice search to find nearby businesses. 

Put simply, local voice search queries are business opportunities. So, businesses have already implemented the best voice search SEO practices.  

You cannot ignore video 

Google recently announced Clip Markup and Seek Markup launch that help videos stand out in search results. 

Using these markups with your videos can improve the click rate. However, the content needs to stand out from the rest. 

Do consumers appreciate videos? 

As per a study published by HubSpot, 94 percent of online shoppers may prefer watching product or service explainer videos from businesses and brands.

Keyword research & content localization

Google supports search in local languages. In India, roughly 20 percent of searches happen in local languages. Businesses that wish to focus on specific markets can gain from content localization. 

There are AI-powered content localization options, but these tools often result in inaccurate or poor translation. Thus, localization projects require huge budgets for hiring writers to translate the page content manually. 

Localization projects also need a particular focus on keywords. Choose phrases used by the local audience. Make it a point in your content development strategy. 

The final verdict: 

Do you wish to get the best out of changes in Google algorithms? Let an experienced digital marketing firm help implement best practices developed as per evolving trends. 

Also read about: Manage Distributors: Make them partners for the success of your brand

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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