It’s all about a good skin care regimen, especially one that gives even the toughest skin types an instant suppleness, removes peach lint and creates a fresh, radiant, baby-like skin. Learn about dermaplaning, the beauty treatment that has quickly become one of the most popular and sought after services in spas across the country (and which is responsible for those incredibly good results mentioned above). Dermaplaning is similar to shaving the face, but unlike a good shaving and shaving cream duo, the treatment requires a professional to see it. To learn all about facial hair removal treatment, its results and the process, keep going.
The basics of Dermaplaning
Let’s be honest. Shaving your face has a bad rap – there is the uncomfortable look, the fear that you will accidentally shave an eyebrow and, of course, the ever-present worry that the hair on your face will be thicker and with revenge. The truth is that while dermaplaning is essentially a form of facial shaving, it is not the same as putting a razor in front of you in the bathroom. This is because, in addition to deflocculation, it also has a number of benefits for skin care (and no, your hair will not grow thicker again). The process, performed by a certified dermatologist or licensed beautician, involves the easy running of a dermaplaning tool (also known as a sharp scalpel for shaving) on the face. Although it sounds like this, it is a painless process that takes about 30 minutes, with no downtime. And, although some skin types may have a short redness, it is so non-invasive that it has been cited as the ideal treatment for lunch breaks.
Does dermaplaning work?
Beauty fanatics have chosen dermaplaning because it delivers instant results – in 30 minutes it removes peach lint along with the top layer of dead skin cells, eventually revealing a fresher, radiant, softer skin (and providing a smooth surface with makeup butter). Think of it as a way to manually exfoliate your skin without chemicals that can often be irritating to people with sensitive skin. Dermaplaning is ideal for most skin types and is generally free of side effects (except for sensitive skin types, which can be pink after treatment). However, if you have active acne, open sores, reactive skin, or have used Accutane for six months, you are not a candidate for dermaplaning.
What to expect from your schedule
Are you ready for a dermaplaning treatment? Here is a breakdown of what to expect as well as everything you need to do to make sure your baby’s soft skin, which is about to be softened, is getting the best treatment.
Prepare your skin
Five to seven days before planning, you should avoid retinoids as well as chemical peels like AHA, BHA, microbes, or enzymes. Avoid waxing, shaving, or threading your face for at least two weeks prior to treatment. And remember, if you have inflamed acne you should ignore the procedure completely because not only can it spread bacteria – and make your appearance worse – it can also cause irritation.
Pain level
While the mere thought of a blade moving on the skin may be enough to keep this treatment going, there is actually little or no pain associated with dermaplaning. If your professional gets it right (which is why it’s important to see a professional first) it shouldn’t be painful. In fact, your professional will simply hold your skin in place and move the scalpel at a 45-degree angle to your skin (which should just feel like a business card scratched into your face).
Dermaplaning costs vary, but generally ranges from $ 100 to $ 300 per session depending on your location. However, if you are struggling with peach fluff or need a good exfoliator, it can be worth the price.
With dermaplaning, the days when peach skin destroyed foundation, powders and liquids are over. However, while tempting, it’s important to go without makeup immediately after your treatment and instead let your skin breathe for the rest of the day. Just as you apply a moisturizer after a chemical peel, however, you can and should moisturize your skin after dermaplaning. SiO Beauty Energy Serum is the perfect post-treatment solution because it contains ultra-soothing ingredients (think: hyaluronic acid, collagen peptides and amino acids) that help skin maintain healthy levels of moisture and strengthen youth, radiant. the result of the treatment itself.
In addition, avoid direct sunlight 48 to 72 hours after the treatment and always wear broad spectrum sun protection with at least SPF 30. Because freshly peeled skin is always more susceptible to harmful rays. Sun (and we know sunburn isn’t part of your plan). Since dermaplaning provides a deep exfoliation, be sure to replace your chemical peels with milder skin care products for at least the first week after treatment to avoid possible skin irritation.
How long does dermaplaning take?
Dermaplaning is said to remove dead skin cells in three weeks, and the results can last for two to four weeks. And despite all the myths you’ve been told, shaving won’t make your hair thicker, faster, or darker again. Since hair is removed from the surface of the skin during dermaplaning, there is no physical way to increase the number of hair follicles or to accelerate hair regeneration.
How Often Should You Use Dermaplane?
Because it’s so exfoliating, experts recommend dermaplaning no more than once a month (or once a quarter if you’re in a sensitive skin warehouse). If getting the results is important to you, speak to your expert about what a healthy program will be like. And if you want to do more than get rid of the peach lint on your face, it’s important not to do this DIY treatment because, in addition to being not as effective as a medical scalpel, dermaplaning at home can cause a headache or dermatitis.
Who should think about dermaplaning – and are there people who should avoid it altogether?
Dermaplaning is safe for almost everyone. However, you should avoid it if you have a tan, sunburn, active acne, a rosacea rash, or an inflammatory skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, as the procedure can make these problems worse. If you have a lot of deep acne scars, you should also watch out for dermaplaning as it may be easier to cut your skin during treatment.
Dermaplane facial treatment is a proven way to soften your skin, depilate your face and get a finer facial makeup. Perhaps one of the most attractive features of this treatment (and why countless celebrities and beauty lovers have resorted to it) is that it is safe for virtually all skin types, with no side effects or periods of malfunction. Of course, you should refrain from treatment if you have inflamed foci, very reactive skin or open wounds. The results are immediately visible and last up to four weeks for many, and your facial hair will not grow thicker. If dermaplaning sounds like a treat to look forward to, visit your certified dermatologist or beautician to discuss if it’s right for you.
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