It can be challenging to select just a few destinations from the many worth seeing. Sometimes the well-known sights and delectable cuisine are what entice us to a certain location, and other times it’s the bragging rights that come with seeing every continent, nation, or state. Whatever your reason, we’ve collected up some great adventures that include once-in-a-lifetime encounters and renowned vistas that are unique to each location.

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Peru’s Machu Picchu

Before Hiram Bingham’s discovery was made public in a 1911 book titled “Across South America,” the lost metropolis of the Incas was largely unknown to people who lived outside of the nearby vicinity. Much of the Incan architecture and design was preserved because Spanish colonists were unaware of its existence. The mist-covered Huayna Picchu Mountain rises approximately 1,000 feet above the stone ruins, terraces, and plazas at the location.

Highlands of Scotland

Scotland’s Highlands are home to some of the most breathtaking scenery on earth. With its towering mountains covered with heather, charming lochs, gushing waterfalls, and gorgeous, historic castles, this place will make you feel as though you’ve stepped into a painting.

The Great Barrier Reef of Australia

With more than 400 different species, the Great Barrier Reef is the oldest and largest living coral reef on earth. Dolphins, tropical fish, rays, sea turtles, huge clams, and a wide range of other marine animals are among the mind-boggling variety of marine life. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience to dive here.

Italy’s Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is a collection of five equally beautiful towns located along the Ligurian coast in northern Italy. The Cinque Terre region is really not to be missed, from the breathtaking scenery that will make you feel as though you’ve stepped into a living postcard to the friendly locals, delicious food, and wonderful wine.

AZ, The Grand Canyon

One of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon in Arizona is a formidable 227 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and a mile deep. Its walls feature an eye-catching mosaic of hues and erosional patterns that are even more magnificent at sunrise and sunset. To visit stunning sights like Havasu Falls, though, venture beyond and into the country’s most isolated areas.


Although visiting Antarctica is not easy, the experience is one you won’t soon forget. In this barren region where iceberg peaks soar up to more than 300 feet from the sea, you will be met by hundreds of squawking penguins caring for their young as soon as you pass through the waters of Orne Harbor. Among the other wildlife you might see are cormorants, albatrosses, leopard and fur seals, humpback and minke whales, and cormorants and fur seals.

Swiss Alps

Some of Europe’s most breathtaking natural vistas may be found in the Swiss Alps. You can see vibrant wildflowers on lush green meadows that gradually give way to spectacular snow-covered granite peaks here in the alpine mountains of Switzerland. The Alps offer some of the best skiing in the world during the winter.

New Zealand

You could mistakenly believe that you have entered heaven in this nation where the mountains and the sea converge. Rudyard Kipling called Milford Sound the “eighth wonder of the world,” so spend the day exploring it. In this area, waterfalls gently trickle over mountain peaks that leap into the sky while rocks rise vertically from ominous waters.


One of the best sites to see the Northern Lights, Grizzly bears catching their food, glaciers calving icebergs, or even polar bears walking over the ice is Alaska, America’s last great frontier. This extraordinary land of exploration provides a wide range of adventures in breathtakingly beautiful and natural surroundings.

Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Everyone should put seeing the Pyramids of Giza on their trip wish list. One of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World is the Great Pyramid of Giza, the most well-known of this group that lies just outside of Cairo. They have been standing for 4,600 years, and nobody knows how they were built.

Hawaii’s Kauai Napali Coast

Many of the most beautiful places on earth are inaccessible by car, like Kauai’s Napali Coast. Hawaii is famed for its breathtaking scenery, but this jagged coastline along the 11-mile Kalalau route could be the most dramatic and impressive of them all. A series of precipitous cliffs descend from the beautiful green mountains here into the ocean. If you’re not up for a strenuous hike, think about taking a helicopter up for a bird’s-eye perspective.

Jordan, Petra

There are numerous historical sites around the globe, but few are as captivating as Petra in Jordan. Petra is thought to have been constructed in the first century B.C. and forgotten following a string of earthquakes. To visit this gigantic and recognizable red metropolis carved into the rock face by the Nabataeans, you must first pass through the little Siq Valley, where the enormous pillars may be seen gradually entering into view.

Read more: Benefits Of Traveling And How To Save For Your Dream Vacation

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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