What had we done when we were 19? Probably, we convinced our parents to let us go on a trip. Or, was leading an everyday and boring life by going to colleges and tuitions. But you may not believe it, but a boy runs a social media agency at just 19. The name is Mohit Mangwani. Social media marketing is no joke, and for that, he has to face many struggles. At 19, he is a digital marketer, a strategist in marketing, and an entrepreneur. He says that everyone uses social media, and every single one can promote or shine with its help. He also added that people should know how much potential social media has these days in marketing.
Let’s discuss a few more ideas by Mohit Mangwani how he thinks that social media is revolutionizing digital marketing these days.
- Traffic on websites – Right now, only billions of people worldwide are using social media. However, Mohit Mangwani says that social media can be the perfect tool for promoting if used correctly. For example, you can share video links or just simple links on your social media handle. If that interests the customer, they will click on the link and go straight to your website. For example, go to Facebook and type ‘literature essay example’ to find links to such websites that offer assistance. Brands and companies can follow these strategies to engage more customers in their business.
- Brand loyalty – Customers are attracted to those brands that are loyal to them. If you are doing business, you have to be faithful and maintain trust with your customers. Keeping the customer base your brand already has is more effortless than attracting new ones. Mohit Mangwani says that brands have to maintain transparency with their customers to grow in the market. For example, you can go to Facebook and ask, ‘ do my computer science homework. Then, you can choose any link and place an order. If the order you get is genuine, then only you will be able to place another order shortly. This is what brand loyalty is. And, this is how media can be used to maintain brand loyalty.
- Customer service – Social media marketing has changed the picture of customer service. We can see that the majority of the people these days post their complaints and reviews on the Facebook or Instagram handle of the brand. Mohit Mangwani also agrees with the same. He decided and said that people could quickly post their thoughts about the product on social media. Based on the reviews also many other costumes decide to buy or not to buy those products. For example, someone used a product or a service and posted the Best Buy SWOT analysis. Based on this analysis, many social media users will decide between buying or not buying that product. Thus, it can be said that social media does have a significant impact on digital marketing.
- Sales – Most people have left watching TV and even reading newspapers. All they have is a smartphone, and with that, only they can take care of more than half of their work these days. Most brands these days focus more on social media marketing when it comes to promotion. People of all age groups use social media these days. That’s why it’s an excellent platform to promote any product or service. Mohit Mangwani says that brands these days always try to focus on teenagers or students. This age group consists of more customers than in any other age group. Brands post attractive video advertisements or pictures to attract customers. Thus this increases sales in the market. For example, suppose you are a businessman, and you provide educational services in several fields. You can post an ad on social media regarding MBA dissertation help. This will attract all the MBA students who will see your ad. They might even contact you if they do need any assistance.
- Fan base – With the help of social media marketing, brands can build a loyal fanbase. Fan bases are essential for any brand. They are a group of people who will buy your products or services. They are also the group of people who help to add more people to your customer list. For example, they suggest the t-shirt to their friends and colleagues they bought from your company. Just in this way, they can keep adding more and more customers. The fanbase of a company is significant, and beans must do something to value them. For example, the brand can offer their old customers discounts. Or can arrange some lucky draw games for them. This will help the fan base to stick to the company. For this, the brand will have to take the help of social media.
Wrapping up,
In short, managing social media and using it in digital marketing is not that easy. Brand and especially social media managers have to keep in mind several things. They not only have to focus just on the promotion of their services or products. They also have to focus on how they can attract more and more customers to their business.
The mentioned points will help readers manage their brand’s page in the right way.
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