Mobile app industry is growing at a very rapid rate. Not only this is the best way to reach your customers, but it’s also a great way to market your brand. Mobile Apps are the new frontier of digital marketing. They’ve become an essential part of our lives and can help your company grow quickly. However, you need to be aware of the common pitfalls before diving into mobile app development. Research has shown that 85% of startups fail due to avoidable mistakes like not performing proper market research or failing to make realistic project deadlines. This blog post discusses 5 major errors that you should avoid before mobile app development.

1. Poor design(UI & UX)

When your app design is bad, it will have a major impact on your business. A poor design will not only make your customers unhappy, but it can also kill your app’s chances of success. You want to make sure that the design is attractive and easy to use. If you don’t put a lot of thought into the design, customers won’t stick around long enough to fall in love with your brand.

For example, take a look at the top-rated apps on Google’s Play store for Android devices. You’ll notice that they have excellent reviews from users because they’re beautifully designed with easy-to-use and relevant features for their target audience.

The best way to avoid this mistake is by hiring a professional UX designer or developer who has experience working on mobile apps before you start developing yours. They will be able to provide insight and recommendations for how you can create an app that people will love and keep coming back to again and again.

2. Too many features

Developing an app with too many features is a mistake in two ways. you’ll end up with an app that doesn’t take full advantage of the best features.

When developing your mobile-friendly app, remember that less is more. You don’t need to create an app that does 50 things when it could do 5 things just as well. That said, if you do want to include features in your app, make sure they’re easy to use and offer real value to your customers. The most common trend in mobile apps nowadays is to focus on one main feature and use it to push traffic back to the business website.

For example, Dropcam created an app focused on the live video feed of your home so people can monitor their homes while they’re away—a service no other company provided at the time. It was simple and effective!

The common rule of thumb is that you should limit the number of features in your app to three or fewer. This will help you stay within your budget and create an intuitive user experience. Plus, not all of the features in your app will be needed by all users.

If you don’t have time to research what features are necessary for your target audience, just ask them what they want! Ask people who download competitor apps what they would like to see in yours. You can even host a social media campaign with a feedback form to get information about prospective customers.

This way, you can narrow down the necessary features for your app and produce something that is better suited for what people are looking for.

3. Not understanding the needs of your customers.

This is the number one mistake to avoid. Your customers are your top priority, so their needs should come before anything else.

But how do you know what are the customer’s needs?

You’ll need to ask them. You can find out by conducting surveys or running focus groups, for example.

You may not have an endless budget for development, so if you don’t feel like your audience will be interested in downloading an app on their phones, then it may not be worth the investment.

If you’re unsure about whether or not you should invest in a mobile app, consider the following reason why mobile apps aren’t the right choice for every business.

4. Underestimating the cost of mobile app development

Many business owners don’t realize how much time and money it takes to create a mobile app.

For example, the average cost of developing an Android app is $12,500, the iOS app is $16,000, Windows OS is $10,000.

And the cost doesn’t stop there. Creating an app also requires ongoing development to make sure it’s up-to-date with current technologies.

To illustrate the potential cost of creating a mobile app, take this example: You invest in a mobile app that costs $25,000. After six months, you decide to update your app with new features that cost an additional $5,000. The total project now costs you $30,000!

The key takeaway is that mobile apps are expensive projects which require ongoing development to stay relevant. When estimating your budget for a mobile application project, make sure to include these factors as well as any other necessary expenses such as intellectual property licenses or third-party services like data storage.

5. Not having a strong marketing plan.

Developing a mobile app isn’t cheap. The average cost of an app ranges from $12,000 to $200,000. Developing a mobile app without a marketing plan will make it difficult to recoup your investment and make a profit.

It’s essential to start by writing down your target audience and what you want them to do. This will help you figure out the best design for your app and how to market it to reach your goals.

Do you want people downloading the app? Or do you want them to purchase something through the app? You’ll need to figure that out before you begin designing or developing anything.

In conclusion 

The mobile app development industry is growing at an exponential rate. If your company isn’t in this space, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to grow your business and reach a new audience. With the right planning and preventative measures, you can be successful in your mobile app project.

Read more: Best Practices Of Shop ware For Beginners To Build E-commerce Store

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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