Reshaping Education, technology is the future– this is a statement that even the most cynic, stoic, and pessimistic individuals will accept without any arguments. Our lives and the world around us has been transformed by technology. As a result, science and technology is a ubiquitous part of almost every aspect of human society. From healthcare to hydel power generation, administration to air travel, education to entertainment, satellites to submarines, tech has become integral and indispensable. 

The demand for technically skilled talent & workforce has been increasing exponentially in the past few years. It is at an all-time high as more & more industries become technology-driven.

The Drastic Demand For Tech Talent

According to an article on, there is a massive shortage of future-ready tech talent across different job sectors. Software developers, online assignment help services, healthcare giants- everyone’s looking for recruits with the knowledge, skills and experience to handle all the different kinds of cutting-edge technologies that are being increasingly utilized across businesses.

The demand for tech skills such as data science, RPA, cloud computing, electrical & electronics engineering,  AI, software development, etc., have shot through the roof. In addition, SEO/SEM marketing, digital journalism, and blockchain are other industry requirements in colossal demand and require professionals with robust tech skill-sets & substantial knowledge.

There is just one sure-fire way of meeting such humongous demands of future-ready tech talent- reshaping educational systems at every level to incorporate & integrate science & technology disciplines holistically, to make young talents tech & future-ready.

The following section offers a glimpse of the different ways the current global education landscape is being reshaped to make future generations tech ready.

Transforming Education For The Future: Using Tech To Become Tech Ready

The global demand for future-ready tech talent has increased manifold. Therefore, incorporating different technologies in education & learning and focusing upon tech training & skill development are the only definitive ways to produce skilled tech talent.

Teachers, tutors, academic administrators and education policymakers worldwide are well aware of the vast demand for fresh tech talent. Policies, tactics, paradigms, and tools have been implemented to initiate education’s digital and technological transformation across economies. Striking advances in tech and positive results have been accelerated such implementations and integration. The ongoing Covi-19 pandemic accelerated said implementations further as tech-enhanced education remained the only way to overcome the resultant global operations.

Reshaping academic curricula and systems for the future are being carried out in many ways.

1. Compulsory Computer Education

Software development, cloud computing, AI and data science are among the most sought-after skills today with an ever-increasing demand. A future-ready tech talent with razor-sharp domain skills MUST possess a solid foundation in computer science and programming.

  • Computer education should be made compulsory right from the primary level. The basics idea & logic behind digital computation and the fundamentals of computer programming are essential education for any young talent who needs to be tech-ready for the future.
  • Higher education institutions need to offer standard and specialized courses tailored to the computer science skills and careers in demand across industries. Incorporating advanced computer science subjects, introducing skill development classes, well-designed practical sessions, and training courses with tie-ups are some potent ways to boost computer education.
Reshaping Education
  • Online learning, blended learning and MOOCs are some excellent avenues for delivering appropriate tech education to learners. Many online information resources and course programs are widely available across the Internet and on prominent MOOC platforms such as EdX, Coursera, Udacity, etc.
  • C, C++, Java, Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, C#, R, Swift, Go– an article from the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers cites these as the most in-demand languages in 2021. In addition, web & mobile app development, UI/U design, cyber-security, blockchain, computer graphics, quantum computing, and project development are some of the industry’s most highly sought-after computer skills.

While there are numerous courses and resources for independent self-paced learning, formal education institutions need to focus on the above requirements. 

Redesigning ad reshaping existing curricula to enable proper dispensation, training and tutoring of computer science & programming is the road ahead.

2. Building Future-Ready Skills

According to an article by Microsoft, labor economists predict that more than 77% of all jobs will require deep & specific tech skills in less than a decade. Current young learners and future generations may even work in jobs that have not been established yet.

The future is genuinely tech-heavy, but the education sector needs to be more tech-ready. World-renowned universities and tech giants aim to fulfil the massive demand of tech-skilled labor by providing & introducing platforms for learners to build future-ready skills, reshaping the very structure of modern education.

  • Microsoft, Linked-In and Github have joined hands to offer a host of resources, courses and programs to help both students & professionals acquire and upgrade future-proof tech skills.
  • Google offers the Google Developers, Skillshop for professional Google tool users, Google Cloud For Students, Code With Google & Grow With Google platforms for students, professionals, business people, developers, creators and the like. So building future-ready tech skills just got a whole lot easier. 
  • IBM Skills and IBM Skills Academy are tech-skill building platforms for students, job-seeker, businesses, professionals and more, offered by the pioneers in computer technology. IBM helps students build critical tech skills by providing free online courses, programs and partnerships with academic institutions, governments and NGOs.
  • Massively Open Online Course platforms such as edX, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, etc., have also been significant proponents in reshaping the current education landscape.  

A wide variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) courses, programs, and professional certification courses offer students and learners a wide range of opportunities to attain and upgrade their technical skills and knowledge through free, paid & audited courses. Self-paced and instructor-led training offer learners both freedom and guidance to develop their skills the way required.

The ultimate goal for any academic & skill development endeavor should be to spark a motivation to learn among all learners, as that is the only way to imbibe any kind f skill in the best way possible.

Students and learners need to understand that gaining future-ready tech skills is not just about learning a programming language or understanding a particular technology. It is all about developing & enhancing creativity, critical thinking, computational thinking, communication, and collaboration.

The above 5 Cs are crucial for learning and integrating essential future-ready tech skills.

3. Ushering In The Digital Transformation of Education 

Educational Technology is a buzzword in global academia today. EdTech had already begun transforming and enhancing education globally; the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic put the pedal to the metal.

Digital transformation of education through EdTech is one of the most effective methods of dispensing essential tech education to learners. Born out of technology, they help talent get up close and personal with varying cutting-edge tech used in education today.

  • Online assignment help services are a major example of EdTech that offer quintessential academic assistance to students, helping them learn skills faster.
  • The myriad advantages offered by MOOC platforms have already been discussed. From courses & programs to study materials & capstone projects, the scope of acquiring a large variety of tech skills are endless.

A look at the most popular tech courses on edX and Coursera reveal how MOOCs have indeed reshaped modern education and have become a leading platform for acquiring tech skills.

Reshaping Education

Reshaping Education
  • Augmented, Mixed & Virtual Reality are some of the most advanced and astounding technologies used in education in the 21st century. Augmented and virtual reality allows learners to experience education like never before. 

Virtual reality applications help set up a unique and interactive learning environment that encourages students to explore and learn more. Redesigned learning spaces have now come into the picture that incorporates tech tools such as VR, AR, SMARTboards to teach and instruct about computer programming, electronic circuit design & more.

Skill acquirement and development becomes better with the immersive learning experiences offered by these techs.

Reshaping Education
  • Other miscellaneous examples of digital learning involve blended learning,  a learning approach that combines online learning resources with the traditional classroom learning environment. Students attend regular “brick-and-mortar” classes, but learning occurs via typical classroom teaching methods and the digital medium. 

Technology has brought about landscape changes in the ways we humans learn and educate ourselves. Thus, education and technology enjoy a symbiotic relationship. More focus on tech education is crucial for producing better future-ready tech talent, who will then bring about better advancements in technology. And, so the cycle continues, hopefully towards a better and brighter future for humanity and the world at large.

And that rounds up this article. Hope it was informative enough for all readers alike. 

Take care!

Also read about: Distant Learning: How Online Education Streamlines the Funnel?

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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