For many people, attending college can be a life-changing experience that provides chances for career, personal development, and connections that last a lifetime. Additionally, it could have some hardships in your life as well. Keeping the ultimate question in mind, what do you get from college?

Advantages of Going to College

Here are some advantages of going to college:

Building a Life and Being Independent

Building a Life and Being Independent: You place yourself in a situation where you want to escape from the nest when you decide to attend college. This benefit also decreases the likelihood that you will spend your 20s living at home with your parents. Millennials are more likely than any other generation to gain financial stability from attending college. The experiences that result from these possibilities for higher study provide you the chance to build a life for yourself.

Meeting New People

Today’s students who choose to attend college are finding that networking is a huge bene. It is a fact that most of the jobs young graduates obtain are mostly recommended by their friends or people they might know in college. You need to know the right people to secure employment today more than ever before. Because many organizations also offer internship opportunities in collaboration with local institutions, going to school can help you get your foot in the door of your chosen company and secure a full-time job once you graduate.

Personal Growth

College helps in personal growth. The college experience allows students to develop a wide range of talents and abilities. In addition to teaching students how to successfully manage their time and make decisions based on reason, college life has the ability to foster feelings of power and independence. To cope with life in the real world, it is vital to possess these kinds of soft skills. Graduates are also so proud of themselves when they see their college degree frames displayed on their walls or desks.

Disadvantages of Going to College

Here are some disadvantages of going to college:

Career Path Clash

There are many different professions, and not all are best mastered in an academic setting. The conventional education model, which consists of lectures, assignments, and exams, may not always do justice to professions that are best acquired via hands-on, real-world experience. Even though these employment options are presented in college curricula, there are frequent educational gaps that must be filled by completing an internship after graduation.


The cost of college is huge. Let’s face it: despite the many advantages that attending college may offer, the expense of tuition is very high. It is not uncommon for students to begin what they refer to as “real life” with tens of thousands of dollars in debt, only to discover that their degree provides no assurances of a successful professional path.


College study involves balancing midterm examinations, courses, projects, and essays. College might be very difficult for you if you are easily stressed out, have trouble organizing yourself, or suffer from multitasking.


Is it okay to drop out?

In many cases, dropping out of college early is the best choice you can make for a prosperous life. Ultimately, everything comes down to what a student plans to do after college. You have no choice but to pursue your goal if you want to build a platform that connects individuals worldwide. Lack of preparation may lead to lost chances and additional time that will never be recovered.

Can you switch colleges?

Your needs and interests may not be met by the college where you are enrolled. Consider changing to a school where you will fit in better. If money is still a big issue for you, consider community institutions, which are far less expensive.


It is worthwhile if attending college would enable you to realize your life’s goals. There are many instances when a degree, regardless of level, might open doors for employment that a person with only a high school education would not have a chance at. Because time in college allows students to exercise their abilities in useful ways, inside and outside the classroom, it is definitely an option worth exploring.

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By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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