Businesses generate a lot of data in their day-to-day operations. But how do they make sense of all this information? That’s where business intelligence turns data into actionable insights that can help businesses tackle problems, grow their market share, and increase profitability. Actionable insights help businesses identify opportunities and threats that can be managed by tailoring their business models, processes, products, and services.

Understand the Data

Knowing the right data is key to turning business data into actionable insights. For data to be useful, you need to know how it fits into the bigger picture. This means having the right business information at your fingertips and making sense of it meaningfully. Common mistake business professionals make is treating all their data as equal; this leads to a lack of focus on the most important information since you may have no idea what each piece of data means for your company’s success.

Define Areas that Need Decision Making

There are two kinds of decisions made by businesses: high-level and low-level. High-level decision-making involves big-picture considerations, for example, deciding whether or not to expand a company’s product line, reduce costs to remain competitive, or relocate a production facility. On the other hand, low-level decisions involve more detailed and nuanced concerns, such as what type of marketing the company should focus on, given its audience size and demographics. Defining these areas helps identify what data is relevant to the business.

Have Goals

Businesses need a vision of where they want to go, so they know what data is most important and how to use it. Business goals set the course for what data should be collected, analyzed, and acted upon. This way, you won’t waste time on data that doesn’t bring value or hold your business back. Goals can be divided into short-term ones that a business pursues in the near term and long-term ones that aren’t time-sensitive. Clear goals are essential to turning data into actionable insights because it helps you focus. Data analytics services can help you clarify the direction of your business. They guide you towards your business goals, shaping your actions.

Measure the Right Data Sets

Once you know where you’re headed, the next step is to measure the data that will make the journey worthwhile. This means measuring the right business data sets and using them to give you an approximate idea of what’s working and what isn’t. The most important data to measure is the one that affects your business’s bottom line.

Consistently Use and Act on Data

You need to consistently use the data that’s been measured and act on it. Otherwise, those actions will be wasted. This is a crucial step, as your data collection and analysis will occur on an ongoing basis. You’ll need to identify which data set it’s best to invest in from a business perspective and how to make the most of it. Also, you’ll want to analyze data regularly, particularly if you’re anticipating market changes. For example, your sales may soar if the economy improves; accordingly, the company will likely need to resize its marketing budget.

Communicate with Data

Businesses are always looking for clues that can be used to understand their competition and make decisions based on that information. This is why communication is so important. Other employees and stakeholders need to know what data is being collected, analyzed, and acted upon to predict how business decisions will affect them. As you communicate with data, ensure you only tell employees and stakeholders what they need to know. For example, an employee who doesn’t have anything to do with data collection needs to know nothing about it; he’ll only be confused by or even resentful of that information.

Make Changes and Analysis

After you’ve used the data consistently and made several changes, you should analyze how well those changes worked. If your business has a defined goal, you’ll be able to make more accurate forecasts as to what data will be of the highest value for your business in the future. The analysis will help you make the most of your data so that it can be used as effectively and efficiently as possible. Actions should be taken using knowledge from the analysis.


Utilizing business data to turn it into actionable insights can bring a company closer to its business goals. To be successful, you need to have the right mindset, structure your business’s goals in a way that will take full advantage of the data available, and constantly analyze what is working and what isn’t so that changes can be made accordingly.

Read more: How Your Workplace Can Be More Eco-Friendly

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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