Online reviews are very crucial for any small business. Before buying any product or service online, customers will read reviews to check whether the brand is credible or not. For any business to propel, quality reviews play a pivotal role. Google Reviews is one of the top places where customers look for reviews. Your business requires loyal customers to provide online quality reviews to give an insight to potential customers about your business. 

You need to add a Google reviews widget on HTML website to display online customer reviews because Google reviews are important for your business to thrive. Google reviews help your business rank higher in the local search engine rankings and will also impact the ability to get new customers. Read this blog and learn about the different methods to get more Google reviews that will help your business get a reputation and generate more sales. 

Tips To Get More Google Reviews For Your Business 

As per the survey report, more than 80% of customers don’t trust older reviews, and more than 40% of customers only read reviews that are just two weeks old. To build a positive online brand reputation, you need to manage your online reviews. Here are some ways through which you can get more online reviews from your customers. 

1. Ask Directly To Customers 

One of the simplest ways to get more Google reviews is by asking your customers directly to provide reviews despite the service or product your business gives. To build your brand’s online reputation, asking for Google reviews is a direct way to make sure that your customers are satisfied. You need to give your customers proper guidance on how they can leave Google reviews for your business. More than 70% of customers will write reviews if they are asked. 

2. Add A thank-you Email

On your website, by including a review link, you can simplify the process of leaving a review for your customers. You can also send a custom link through email to your customers. This is a simple process because customers are only required to fill in the details in the form without doing any hard tasks. When you want to add Google reviews on HTML website, just send them a thank you email with this attached review link, so that they will leave a Google review for your business. 

3. Give Excellent Customer Experience 

If you want to get more Google reviews on your website, then the best possible way is by providing excellent customer service. You can turn your bad reviews into good reviews by treating your customers well, it is another important aspect of the business. You can always develop a better online brand reputation if you give your customers outstanding services and express gratitude for choosing your business. By extending personal support to your customers, humanize your business by fostering relationships with your customers. 

4. Finance In Review Generation Tools 

When you’re done trying different ways to get good Google reviews for your business but haven’t got enough reviews then there is another simpler method- a review generation tool. The process gets automatized by these review generation tools and they will help you ask verified customers for reviews. These review generation tools have built-in templates that help to create campaigns that will ask your customers for reviews. Just put the details of the customers and this review tool automatically sends the review request to the customers. 

5. Respond To Previous Google Reviews 

Responding to customer reviews is very important because your customers are taking out time to write reviews. There is not a single brand that gets only positive reviews. But you have to respond to both the positive and negative reviews as a brand and thank them with gratitude. When businesses receive negative reviews they don’t respond. However it is very crucial to respond, it will reflect that you value your customer’s feedback. 

Benefits Of Getting More Google Reviews 

Google is one of the biggest sources that provides social proof to a business. Because more than 90% of customers will look for Google reviews on HTML websites before buying anything online. Some of the benefits of Google reviews are mentioned below. 

1. Google Reviews Build Trust 

In this digital era, customers will only spend their hard-earned money on your business when they completely trust your product or services. In influencing the customer’s journey, trust and credibility are two main aspects. Potential customers trust the feedback and reviews provided by existing customers.

2. Google Reviews Increase Online Visibility 

Without spending money on paid promotions, display Google reviews on Html site will help you to boost your online reputation. For local searches of your business, Google reviews will increase your chances of appearing higher on the Google search engine. Your business could appear on top of the search results if you have high star ratings. 


One of the best free promotion tools is Google reviews which you can use to boost your online brand reputation, drive more traffic, and increase conversions. You need to respond to your customer’s feedback and try to resolve their issues as early as possible because customers listen to customers and they become your brand ambassadors. To get more online reviews, focus on creating a review strategy that will help your business flourish in this digital realm. 

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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