Everyone likes entertainment, right? And this is especially true on the internet where everything seems to be dark and serious. If you are looking for a way that will make people come to you, then there is a simple trick that you can use. You just have to add an element of entertainment in your videos and you should see the difference immediately.

Some known facts about video marketing if you are not familiar with video marketing, then let me give you some facts first before I go further into the subject matter:

1) Videos on YouTube get more than 6 billion views per day

2) 40% of ALL web traffic comes from videos

3) Animated infographics are more effective than regular infographics (Yes…that’s true! Look it up!)

4) Facebook has given preference to video feeds over plain text feeds

So now, you might be wondering how I can use videos to make people come to me. Well, let’s simplify it first… Video marketing is simply about providing information via videos that are easy to understand and fun to watch. By doing this, the viewer will retain the information that you present them with more effectively because they see you as a friend who is having fun while teaching them something.

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Now here comes the tricky part… How do I create high-quality video content so that my viewers will not get bored? The answer lies in animation.

Why Animation Works So Well For Video Marketing?

People love animation! No matter what type of business you have or what industry you are in, animation will definitely work for your videos especially if it pertains to education or demonstration. You see, animation is perfect for these two types of videos because both of them require the viewer to have a peaceful state of mind so that they can focus on what you are teaching them.

How to Create Animation for Your Videos

Creating an infographic-style video is probably the easiest way to create animated educational content for your audience. Traditional infographics are already entertaining by themselves so animating it would be just icing on the cake! However, there are other ways that you can use animation as well such as whiteboard animations which are basically drawn by hand on a black background and screen capture videos where you film yourself talking about something while you are making hand gestures. There are different styles of animation that you can choose from depending on your business niche but the most important part is to make them fun enough so that people will enjoy watching them.

Here’s an example of a product demo video which used great graphics and animation You see, with just a few tweaks here and there with your videos, you can already get twice the exposure just by simply adding animation in your productions! And remember…you don’t need to be an expert animator at all! All you have to do is to hire someone who knows what they are doing so that you won’t spend too much time developing these videos yourself. If you want more information about how I’ve been able to use video marketing for my own business, check out this post:

Now I’m sure you are wondering…

What If My Videos Don’t Get A Lot Of Views? So here’s the thing… Even if your videos don’t get a lot of views, there is still one big benefit that you can get from them. And that BIG BENEFIT is TRAFFIC! Did you know that there are different types of traffic on search engines? More specifically, targeted traffic which is users who are interested in what you have to offer. And how do they find your website? They use search engines like Google or Yahoo! By doing this alone, it will already give you an instant boost in terms of visitors which means higher revenue for your business.

Conclusion by Aron Govil:

Video marketing is not as complicated as you think it is. All you have to do is to come up with a video that targets your ideal customer and show them how great your product or service is! Remember… your videos don’t only need to entertain your visitors; they also need to educate them so that they will know why they should choose YOU instead of someone else.

Read more: Top 5 Ways to Integrate CRM Email Marketing for Businesses

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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