Google is by far the most relevant search market on the internet. This is because it is the main driver of paid search clicks on mobile devices and it takes more than 90% of the market share in Australia. That is why most successful businesses leverage its powerful Google Ads management platform. This comprehensive platform offers a wide array of possibilities for business development and marketing. For businesses that are just starting out it can be quite overwhelming to keep up with all the latest features. 

However, using the search engine where over 90% of the market is located there is simply no alternative. Creating captivating and engaging ads is really important, however making sure that those ads are optimized and managed properly is even more relevant. This is what maximizes your marketing ROI and leads to lasting changes and improvements. Here is everything you need to know about managing your business’s Google ads. 

Synchronize your content

In digital marketing you can get a lot of conversions based on your landing page alone. This is where you have the full freedom to represent your brand in the most optimal way. Your landing page is going to showcase the company’s portfolio, provide contact information as well as show what others have said in client reviews and testimonials. 

However, one of the leading reasons why many companies fail with their marketing campaigns is because there is a giant mismatch between their ad links and their landing pages. They simply fail to invest in a good quality landing page that is going to have all of the necessary information. It takes time to develop and design and, in most cases, it will require someone’s professional help. 

All the paid advertising in the world can’t help if the links do not lead to relevant content. For instance, if someone is looking for a fast-food restaurant, they should expect to see a link leading to a nearby pizza place. However, if your business is represented by a page about different discounts on orders, they will most likely be confused.

Research your competitors

You can greatly improve your campaign if you simply google which keywords are being used by your competitors. This will allow you to genuinely stand out on the SERP. You can find many third-party tools online that will help you keep track of your competitors’ PPC strategies. This will allow you to take optimal steps forward. 

Target the right people

As you are structuring your marketing campaign it is important to be specific about your goals. For ideal results you will want to align your goals with your audience targeting. For instance, if you focus on people who are just researching the types of restaurants in Australia, you will want to implement a more general keyword such as “places to eat in Australia”. 

However, if you want to target people who want to order food as fast as possible from a specific place you might want to consider something along the lines of “food delivery in Kings Cross area”. In order to avoid such misalignment and get your marketing campaign on the right track you should consult a social media agency from Sydney, which will help you boost sales or reach any other milestone by aligning your goals with the adequate targeting.  

Conduct A/B testing

One big component of any good Google Ads management is A/B testing. This is a lengthy and somewhat demanding thing to do. However, it yields some of the most clear-cut insights you will ever get. This is the most realistic way to tell which direction you should take as you are structuring your ad campaign. The platform will allow you to test individual features and compare them to others, such as: landing pages, ad bid, ad copy and targeting.  

Improve your keywords 

It is important to constantly iterate your marketing efforts and refine your targeting. This includes the keywords that you use and the people that you are trying to reach. Your marketing team can collect valuable data on the keywords used. For instance, over a period of a few months you will begin to notice which keywords drive the most clicks and which keywords make the most conversions. 

On the opposite side, you will also notice which keywords come at a higher cost and do not bring any significant value. In addition, make sure to refine who you are targeting with these keywords. The two principles work hand-in-hand. That is why you should follow both concurrently. You can achieve this by monitoring demographics, your audience’s interests and their actions taken online. This will delineate what kind of audience in particular seems to be generating most of the clicks and conversions. 

Once you establish a consistent pattern, you will be able to take timing into consideration as well. You will notice which days of the week are the most optimal, including precise timeframes. You can be more precise and dial in your timing if you go to ‘Dimensions’ and then go to ‘Settings’ where you will be able set up ad scheduling in accordance to the most active times for your particular audience.


Google Ads is undeniably the most powerful platform for your digital marketing. It involves some of the most relevant tools and features on the market. In order to make the most out of it. You have to work on your Google Ads management. You can achieve excellent results if you: synchronize your content, research what your competitors are doing, target the right people and align that to your goals, conduct A/B testing to get realistic insights, and optimize the keywords that you use. 

Read more: 5 Benefits of Specification Management Software For Business

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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