How many times did you wish that you had more time to perfect your essay? The number is probably in the hundreds. When I was a student, I always felt that I could produce a better essay if only I had more time. The bad news is that you are never going to get enough time to prepare your essay to perfection. So, it is better to learn some tricks that will help you finish your essays quickly.

Since most students live a busy life during their academic years, it is absolutely important to learn how to manage your time well. In fact, finishing your essays well within the deadline is a sign of good time management skills. So, if you want to get better control of your schedule during your academic years, you should know how to finish your essay quickly without compromising its quality.

Here are some effective tips:

1. Understand the requirements:

When you are in a hurry, it is easy to skim over the question and think you have understood it. But in many cases, students don’t really understand the requirements of the essay and do not realise it until writing most of the essay. Needless to say, doing the whole essay (ghost writer) from the beginning only adds to your misery. So, it is absolutely important that you study the requirements carefully.

Give yourself enough time to understand the topic question and the requirements of the essay. Spending a few more minutes thoroughly understanding the basics of the task can actually help you save from hours of struggle to rewrite the essay.

2. Choose a topic that you are familiar with:

As an coursework help from essay writer, you should always choose a topic that you are comfortable working with. A lot of students deliberately choose complex essay topics to impress their professors and then struggles to finish the task on time as such topics require more work. Choosing a topic that you are comfortable working with allows you to get the essay done much quicker.

While shortlisting the potential topics for your essay, make sure the topics are relevant to your curriculum, and there is enough room for research on those topics. Also, you need to make sure that the topic you choose complies with the requirements set for the essay by your instructor. Getting things right at the beginning will save you from wasting any further time while your write the paper.

3. Choose a distraction-free environment:

When you are on a tight schedule, you cannot afford to get distracted. Also, if you are distracted while working on your essay paper, it can have an impact on the quality of the paper. So, it is recommended that you remove all the sources of distraction from your room when you work on your essay paper. It means no video games, no comic books, no television, no social media browsing, and no mobile phone use.

You should also ask your roommates and/or family members not to disturb you as you work on your essay paper. Also, choosing a quiet room that is away from the noises made in the living room can help you focus better on the work. As you put your undivided attention on writing, you are more likely to finish the task faster.

4. Prepare an outline for your essay:

A lot of students skip this step, thinking it is a waste of time. But in reality, preparing an outline can help them save some crucial time in assignment help london and essay writing. An outline is basically a rough work where you note down your ideas and thoughts and organise them in the best possible way. Here, you decide what goes where within the content.

The outline actually serves you as a roadmap for your essay paper. As it allows you to stay on track throughout the writing process, you do not spend any additional time on the unnecessary steps. Thus, you are able to finish your essay quicker. Moreover, the outline helps you create well-structured, concise content, ensuring your essay does not exceed the word limit.

5. Get straight to the main discussion:

The basic structure of the essay paper dictates that the introduction comes first, and then you get into the main discussion. But for timely completion of the task, you should go for the main discussion first. Most students spend a lot of time trying to come up with an interesting introduction and then prepare the main body in a rush due to time constraints.

You should always get straight into writing the main body and leave the introduction for later. As you have prepared the outline and have gathered the necessary data for the essay, it is easier for you to get to the main discussion more easily. Once you are done writing the main body, you can get back to writing the introduction. Since you are already in the zone as an essay writer, the introduction will come more easily to you after writing the main body.

6. Use online tools to your advantage:

Since you need to think of ways to finish your essay faster without compromising the quality, you should try a few online tools to make it happen. There are plenty of online tools and resources that make writing a lot easier for writers. You still need to write your own essay, but these tools can speed up certain segments of the essay writing process.

For instance, you can use Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic to conduct quick research work for the essay topic. Then, you have tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to proofread your paper. You can even automate the referencing process with the help of Referencing Generator tool from There are also several plagiarism checking tools like DupliChecker and CopyScape that you should use.

As you can see, these measures can save a lot of your precious time and help you finish your essay faster. However, it is advised to work on your time management skills if you really want to take control of your schedule. It will automatically have a positive impact on your academic performance.

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By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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