Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs are still just a new tech word for most people, despite their popularity. NFTs are trending as the new form of monetizing unique and artistic products among businesses. minting them as NFTs. 

There is a loud buzz about NFTs and how they are generating revenues. The biggest NFT game development company creating artistic game assets opens another source of revenue through Blockchain. But if you are interested in NFTs, you also need to have a solid understanding of how NFTs work, how they are created, and the key cost factors involved in this. Let’s have a closer look at all of these. 

What is NFT and How does It Work? 

Digital trading is not new and existed way before the emergence of NFTs. There has been buying, selling, and storing digital assets since almost the beginning of the digital era. But there were challenges in determining the possession and security of digital assets. 

NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens bought a new approach to the ownership of digital assets. Thanks to its decentralized nature and encryptions, transactions and holding of these digital assets became much safer. NFT can be defined as the digital certificate to determine the ownership of these assets. Generally, these digital assets are unique and artistic products such as paintings, game objects and characters, designs, music, photography, virtual real estate, and several others.

NFTs representing digital assets store the metadata codes corresponding to these assets in the distributed ledger powered by blockchain technology. These unique tokens representing one-of-a-kind values cannot be exchanged with another token. NFTs store information about digital assets and their creators as encrypted code. These NFTs representing unique digital assets can be traded, displayed, and mined. 

An Overview of The NFT Cost Factors 

Creating NFTs involves several different cost factors, and the cost varies based on the choice of Blockchain technology. The cost differs when you choose one Blockchain instead of another. The principal costs corresponding to NFTs include the following. 

  • Any blockchain-based operation needs to make a minimum of one transaction using the Blockchain, which involves gas fees.
  • You also need to pay account fees, depending on the NFT marketplace you choose. 
  • You need to pay a listing fee for listing the NFTs on some platforms. 

The cost of NFTs varies based on the choice of Blockchain since each Blockchain is different regarding processes and resulting fees. The size of data, the transaction and minting speed, and variable gas fees can impact the cost to a great extent. 

Before creating NFTs, it is advisable to have a comprehensive knowledge of how NFTs work and the best marketplaces for showcasing and trading NFTs. There are several NFT marketplaces like Mintable, OpenSea, Rarible, and many others. It would help to choose the NFT marketplace based on your digital artwork. 

Another often-overlooked cost factor is the choice of the time and day for minting the NFT. Since there are lots of transactions on Blockchain during the weekdays, the cost can be higher. In contrast, you can get a cheaper rate when you mint during the weekend to avoid rush time. But the cost variation corresponding to the date and time must be checked. 

The Choice of Different Blockchains 

For any digital artist or creator of unique digital assets creating the first NFT can be truly exciting. But the excitement may last only until one can discover the actual cost. The NFT creation cost, on average, varies from $.01 to $150. But this can go up to several times more at the busiest hours. 

Ethereum Blockchain happens to be the most expensive for creating NFTs because of its market leadership. You can also opt for other Blockchains to avail cheaper cost. It is always advisable to look at cost differences across blockchains. 

The type of Blockchain mostly determines the cost. For example, Ethereum being a Proof of Work (PoW) blockchain, may ensure optimum security but can lack efficiency, resulting in paying more on Gas fees. This is why compared to other Blockchains Ethereum is so expensive. 

In contrast, we can get examples of several less expensive blockchains. These Blockchains rely on different types of ledgers, such as Proof of History (PoH), to ensure much more efficiency, resulting in lower costs. As a PoH Blockchain, Solana allows carrying out many transactions in seconds, ensuring lower Gas fees. 

Now that you have a comprehensive idea of different types of Blockchain and their cost, you also need to know the cost of different types of transactions. 


NFT creation in many corners is used interchangeably with NFT minting. Minting means publishing the NFT on the chosen Blockchain. Now, this NFT minting requires transactions on the Blockchain involving miners’ work, so you need to pay a fee. Since miners do the groundwork of publishing an NFT in the Blockchain, the minting fees become the biggest contributor to NFT cost. 

Marketplace Fee

The minting cost varies depending upon the asset’s size and nature and the chosen Blockchain type. There are also marketplace fees, which solely depend upon the marketplace you choose to create the NFT. 

There can be hardly any doubt that the NFT marketplaces do the important job of showcasing your NFT and drawing the audience’s attention to your digital assets; hence they also need a share in the NFT creation cost. NFT creators can easily get several marketplace services by paying marketplace fees. The marketplaces also take a transaction fee for every transaction that differs depending on the transaction value and volume.

Over To You 

So, for creating NFTs, there are many cost factors, including the choice of Blockchain. To assess the cost of Blockchain and how it benefits your assets in future transactions, you need to research efficiency, security, and cos5 factors of different types of Blockchain. Choose the Blockchain that suits the nature of your digital assets, such as artwork or collectibles. 

Read more: Most Useful Techniques to Make Money with NFT

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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