GIS Mapping

Optimizing Intelligent Transportation Data with GIS Mapping

As smart cities and Smart Traffic Systems (STS) become an evergreen reality, it’s worth knowing how GIS contributes and how your GIS software solution will benefit. Ideal for data optimization and the extension of data functionality, GIS is the solution Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) need to strive towards a smarter future. Current ITSs utilize sensors, cameras, cellular routers, and automation for monitoring and collecting data on transportation and traffic. So,…
Custom FSMS

How Building a Custom FSMS Ensures Food Quality and Safety Compliance

Most consumers trust that food producers and restaurants handle their ingredients safely. Unfortunately, millions of people deal with foodborne illnesses every year. For the food industry, every incident traced to poor food handling procedures could result in lawsuits, financial losses, and reduced consumer confidence. Several oversight organizations have created food safety guidelines that provide standards for every step in food production and distribution. Respective food safety agencies like the US…