Summary- This blog contains some marketing tips with examples, to help you grow you business with SEO tools in 2023. The application of SEO tools will give you an upper hands against your competitor and we are here to show you how. 

In 2023, we live in a world of competition and business world is its biggest target. Today, different business compete by using different methods like marketing strategies, promotional strategies, pricing methods, etc. With 80 new start- ups coming to play in business environment every day in India we need to think outside the box to even compete. Sounds scary? These competition sounds terrifying to hear and may demotivate you, that’s why we are here to tell you about a secret tool i.e, Search engine optimization tool, SEO tools. If you’re looking to create long-term brand awareness, expand your target audiences, you can connect with SEO Agency Dubai and earn more revenue, then search engine optimization is crucial and beneficial for your business. 

According to global outlook, the OECD projection is showing 4.5% global growth in 2023. But there is no guarantee that every company or organization will experience the growth let alone suppress it. And this situation becomes more difficult for start-ups. Knowing this situation, Stéphane Garelli, a former managing director of the World Economic Forum said, “ we need new ideas which will help in growing the numbers for the company.SEO is google’s way of determining which sites deserves to rank on top on its search engine and without the knowledge of modern SEO, getting your site to get maximum clicks and leads will be extremely difficult.

What is this SEO? Does SEO matter for every business? Do you really need to invest in search engine optimization, or can you get by without it?

If you have these questions, wondering and want to learn how exactly it helps in business growth.  Then you are in the right place for hiring SEO Experts in Dubai. On this blog, we’ll explain SEO, why SEO is important, which businesses need it, and offer some resources so you can explore the topic further. 

In today’s time, every Indian is digitally active. Users trust search engines and having top site on these search engine will make you a credible source which help in getting more click and a great deal of people know about your product. SEO improves user experience, making it more likely for customers to become repeat buyers. SEO is cost effective and gives you an upper hand in the competition. Of course, you can purchase ad space which will advertise your company but its expensive so if you are working on a tight budget, SEO is perfect tool for you. Without SEO, it’s hard to say how we would ever find websites, businesses, or the information we seek on a daily basis. Basically, SEO will ensure that a user don’t have to spend more than few seconds to find your website, which will increase your growth significantly. 

10 benefits of using SEO:

  1. It boosts your credibility and trust 
  2. It is cost- effective 
  3. It supports content marketing 
  4. It gives you competition advantage 
  5. It will help you reach more people 
  6. Helps you rank better in local searches
  7. Improves user engagement rate, traffic and conversion  
  8. It is the best way to know you customer’s voice 
  9. SEO is constantly improving and updating providing you with best tools
  10. It is the best long- term strategy 

Now that you understand what is SEO and why it is absolutely crucial foryour business growth.  lets move to some best  tips in building best SEO strategies. 

  1. Write for humans first and for search engines second : There is no magic formula when it comes to a good strategy, a good content writing is essential for providing audience with what they need so they come back to you again, maybe as a customer. SEO content writing will help you in this matter. 
  2. Use keyword in right play: You should add key words to you page and head lines that you want to rank. Density of key word play another important role. You key word density shouldn’t exceed more than 0.5- 0.75 % depending on the word count. 
  3.  Focus on UX experience: There is nothing worse than using a website that you can hardly make work of. That’s why having a good UX is very crucial and will need your substantial attention.
  4. Focus on building relevant links: Links are essential key- ranking factor. Don’t be afraid to link to other useful pages on your site where its necessary and feels natural. 51% of marketers notice an impact after one to three months of implementing a link-building strategy.
  5. Do an industry study: Knowing you market and your competitors very important to create perfect SEO strategy. 
  6. Create content around your niche: Knowing your niche is very important and making content around it will help you get more clicks, for ex- if you do website designing, your niche will be start- ups and accordingly you can make strategy to target them.
  7. Branded key words: As covered earlier, keywords are very important for a good SEO strategy but to make it shine branded key words will help you a lot.
  8. Use quality original writing: As said by Geogre Orwell, “the sole purpose of writing first line is so the reader reads the second line”. Good, quality writing creates slide effect by which reader will read till the end of the page.

5 tools which will help you for creating best SEO strategy:

  1. Ahrefs: SEO keyword tool
  2. Google search console: top SEO tool
  3. SEMRush: marketing SEO tool
  4. KWFinder: SEO keyword tool
  5. Moz pro: SEO software. 

SEO has major benefits for websites and can lead to long-term exponential growth. Brands that invest in SEO can build credibility and trust with audiences, making it a pivotal part of a digital marketing strategy.

Read more: Why Is Performance Testing Critical For Businesses?

By Veena

She has 7 years of experience writing about technology, education and business. Her experience in the tech industry (Fieldengineer, wowtechub, Tech360d, Techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on LinkedIn

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